Geoff Harrison Criminal Lawyer / Barrister - DUI, Drug Matters & AVOs - Parramatta - Sydney
Geoff is a criminal lawyer - Barrister who has extensive experience in criminal law having worked for the NSW and Federal Police. Geoff has also worked as a Senior Criminal Lawyer for the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions.
Geoff Specialises in all areas of criminal law, including;
DUI & Traffic Offences Drink driving or PCA (Prescribed Concentration of Alcohol) and some traffic offences are considered major offences. The court has the power to reduce or extend the automatic disqualification period, as it thinks fit subject to the minimum period outlined under the act.

Drug Matters If you have been arrested for possessing, buying, selling, or importing drugs then you need an experienced criminal lawyer - barrister to represent you. Geoff has extensive experience dealing with State and Commonwealth drug offences.

Apprehended Violence Orders (AVOs) If you fear violence or harassment from your partner or a third party, you can take steps to protect yourself by applying for a Domestic or Personal Apprehended Violence order.

Geoff has an extensive advocacy background in criminal law, which began after joining the NSW Police in 1994. Whilst employed by the NSW Police Geoff worked as a police prosecutor from 1997 until 2003.
Geoff has appeared in a large number of serious and complex matters in a number of different areas including the NSW Supreme Court, District Court, Local and Children's Court jurisdiction.
Following the NSW Police, Geoff has worked for:
The Commonwealth DPP as a Senior Criminal Lawyer, working predominantly in the superior courts in relation to drug and sexual assault related crime.
A publicly listed company as an Executive Manager.
A specialised section of the Australian Federal Police; and for
The Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands, as a Project Co-ordinator.
Geoff is now working as a professional Barrister from Crimlaw Chambers.