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Glenbrook Chiropractic Centre

  • Unit 1, 21 Park Street, 2773, NSW
  • (02) 4739 8358

Chiropractic centre in Glenbrook

Why Consult a Chiropractor?

At Glenbrook Chiropractic Centre, health and wellness is our focus. Everyone can benefit from chiropractic care, to maintain their body and organs functioning at their best. It is quite a different approach to health care. The optimum functioning of the nervous system is an important key to experiencing the best of health.

People come to the clinic for a number of reasons.

Some have a disease, a condition, an ache or a pain and have heard that Chiropractic can help them.

Some of those conditions are:

Neck and Back pain Shoulder Pain
Stiffness and pain in the neck Frozen Shoulder
Pain between the shoulder blades Knee problems
Migraine, Headache Other joint injuries
Disc Problems Headache
Arm and leg pain Tension
Numbness or pins and needles Nervousness
Sciatica Infant colic
Digestive problems- reflux Extremity problems -
heartburn shoulder, elbow, wrist,
Menstrual pains and cramps hip, knee, ankle
Vertigo Tinitus
Otitus media, Earache Respiratory problems
Fatique, loss of energy Constipation

These are just a few of the symptoms that people may experience, that would cause them to think about the possibility of chiropractic care.

However, very many of our patients come for regular chiropractic care as a form of preventative health care. This would be the majority of the patients attending our clinic.

Once one has experienced the benefits of Chiropractic, and the sense of wellbeing, patients realise that by being physically healthier and mentally healthier they can relate to others in a better way. By improving themselves, they can set the stage for building a better world tomorrow.

Pregnancy, Babies, Children and Chiropractic

As Chiropractic is for everyone, adjustment of babies, children and women during pregnancy is all part of the care given at Glenbrook Chiropractic Centre. Chiropractic care for children is gentle and effective. Early intervention can prevent problems developing later. Chiropractic is particularly helpful for children with asthma, earaches or ?lue ear