Brisbane Acupuncture & Herbal Pharmacy is here to assist you with your health and wellness issues! Established practice in Toowong for over 30 years, we serve both local and interstate patients. Specialising in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine we address health problems as a general practice.
Nowadays, acupuncture is commonly used for pain relief, for anxiety from prescription medication withdrawal, supplementing IVF procedure, or stress from overwork, study and mental exhaustion. Chinese herbal prescription, on the other hand, will help you improve your body's ability to fight or recover from disease through regulating, nourishing and cleaning your internal metabolisms. Though, they have their own strength and weakness in fighting diseases or improving the body's mobility, these two works as a team in treating most health issues.
Acupuncture, wet cupping and massage services can aid patients with muscle conditions, joint conditions, disc compression, disc herniation, frozen shoulder, plantar fasciitis, arthritis and fibromyalgia. Treatment for male infertility, female infertility, menstrual cycle irregularity and menopausal syndrome is also offered. Assistance for pregnancy troubles, like morning sickness, breech position, high blood pressure, threatened miscarriage and dyspepsia of pregnancy are made available. Wet cupping or Hijama is available.
Brisbane Acupuncture & Herbal Pharmacy accepted acupuncture treatment claims include, workers compensation claims for Queensland and Victoria, including compensation claims for post traumatic depression. Also accepted are CTP insurance claims for Suncorp and RACQ. Australian Armed Forces health claims can include post traumatic shock syndrome. Referrals by your General Practitioner for these claims must add "Acupuncture - Mark Crain" on the referral form. There are no out-of-pocket expenses for these claims.
Brisbane Acupuncture & Herbal Pharmacy has instant claiming for private health funds for acupuncture treatment. You just have to ask your private health fund provider to include acupuncture on your extra's table.
Brisbane Acupuncture & Herbal Pharmacy also provides special treatment for children disorders, like ADHD and other similar conditions. Specialised acupuncture techniques such as laser acupuncture and scalp acupuncture are provided.
For super accurate nutritional support for chronic fatigue and auto immune system conditions, Chinese medicine is the best to use. There are over 200 herbal formulas available at the practice in the form of pills, granules and raw herbs. All herbal formulas are 100% tested by the Australian Government standards. In order to apply the right formula, diagnosis is essential and consultation done first.
Brisbane Acupuncture and Herbal Pharmacy is partner in the Endangered Species Certification Scheme (ESCS) and is a wildlife aware practice.